Palmer Lake Business Workshop Series


The Palmer Lake Economic Development Group and Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center are partnering to bring you a variety of business workshops to help you start or grow your business in 2023. From HR to social media, we have relevant information and resources for any small business.

Come for the knowledge, stay for the networking!


Palmer Lake Town Hall
42 Valley Crescent St.
Palmer Lake, CO 80113


The cost to attend is $17/person (includes coffee and a meal).


The workshop schedule is below. The doors open 30 minutes prior to each workshop for coffee and networking. 

Social Media & Marketing Your Business • Feb. 9, 8-10 am

Social Media is dynamic with perpetually increasing channels and tools. One the one hand, it’s contributing to more informed, engaged, and loyal customers. On the other, the sheer number of messages is overwhelming, leaving many social media marketing efforts lost in the noise. Social media is a must for many businesses, but what is the best use for your business? How are your customers using it? How can you connect with them and become their trusted resource for the products and services you provide? How can you enlist them to voluntarily share your business with their own networks? Join us as we unpack marketing and social media trends for your small business.

Create a Sustainable Company Culture • May 11, 11 am-1 pm

Take Your Business Online: E-Commerce Platforms • Aug. 10, 8-10 am

Is your business ready to sell online? The world is increasingly moving toward digital commerce aka e-commerce and we’re diving into the specifics of which platforms are best for new and/or existing businesses. In this presentation we’ll discuss Shopify, WooCommerce and Wix Commerce. We’ll discuss the requirements, features, maintenance, and pricing of each platform. At the end of the presentation, you will know based on features, price, and ease of use, which platform will serve your business best.

Tax Prep Essentials for Your Small Business • Nov. 9, 11 am-1 pm

As a small business owner, you may be thinking about taxes with a significant level of uncertainty, especially with new tax laws in effect. “Where do I even start?!”, “What does the IRS need from me this year?”, “Will my business taxes be easier?” and “How can I be better prepared next year?” are common questions. Don’t fret! This workshop is a realistic starting point for small businesses wanting to strengthen their understanding over their business taxes.


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