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Our Team

Sandy Lamb

Sandy had a long career spanning 27 years with Bechtel Corporation in several business lines including Cost and Schedule Management, Marketing and Strategy, Contract Management, Acquisitions, Program and Project Management. She was fortunate to travel with her family throughout the U.S. and was assigned to many signature projects, including Homeland Security Technology Program at Nevada Test Site training first responders; Extended Power Uprate project at St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant in Florida; and, most recently, destroying chemical weapons at Army Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado for the Department of Defense as part of the international treaty administered by OPCW.

Sandy is a graduate from Johns Hopkins University with an MBA in International Business. She completed her undergraduate studies at Western Illinois University with a Bachelor of Business in Economics. She loves to volunteer her time in the community and in her church. She has a passion for helping children in need and her family has been sponsoring Victor, who lives in Burkina Faso, through Compassion International since 2014. She is a member of the Colorado Springs Regional Action Committee for Women’s Foundation of Colorado, was recently elected as Vice President of Membership for Toastmasters International (Downtown chapter) and is a facilitator and certified business consultant for the SBDC. As the owner of Altitude Business Coaching, Sandy helps business owners focus on the areas of time, team, money and strategy needed to inspire businesses to reach new heights.

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