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559 East Pikes Peak Avenue, Suite 101
@ Catalyst Campus
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Connecting you to the resources you need to build a successful business venture
Check name availability and register business
Register for a free Federal Employer ID Number (aka FEIN, EIN or TIN)
Report ownership to U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Register for sales/use tax licenses, new employees, and more.
Search for any potential state and federal regulations for businesses in your specific industry. (Additional city/county regulations may exist, so be sure to check with your local city or county clerk licensing department.)
Colorado Springs Permits and Licenses - Business, Zoning, and Events.
Info on required building permits. (See regional building dept. for other locations)
Permits if your business affects the health of an individual or the environment. (See health department for other locations)
Some permits may be required for events, signage, alcohol,
mobile vending, etc within city limits specific to your location
(See city clerk for other locations)
File, pay, and view state tax requirements
2447 N. Union Blvd. (walk-ins only)
File, pay, and view local tax requirements (depending on location)
(See sales tax office for other locations)
Provides information, resources, and services for employers and employees.
The official filing tool for the State of Colorado
Statewide hotline for questions about starting your business at 303-860-5881
The Small Business Administration’s guide on starting your business
Available at SBDC office
A small business navigator for businesses in City of Colorado Springs
First consult the Colorado Business Resource Book, a basic guide to starting a business in Colorado. The guide is customized to include the specific forms and licensing information for each individual business. If you still have questions, contact the Small Business Navigator at 303-860-5881. Once you have a basic idea about your business, contact the SBDC nearest you to schedule free one-on-one consulting services as well as referrals to various government sources of assistance that provide additional business consulting and economic development assistance.
The State of Colorado does not issue or require a generic general business license. Licenses are issued by various state agencies for specific types of business, activities and professions.
To verify if a name is already being used in Colorado, check the Secretary of State website. Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, sole proprietors, general partnerships and trade names register organizational paperwork with the Secretary of State (303-894-2200). Trade name registration with the Secretary of State does NOT establish exclusive rights. However, it is required when doing business under any name other than the first and last names of the owner(s)/organizer(s). For more information, refer to the Legal Structure chapter of the Colorado Business Resource Book.
You can apply for a state tax identification number using the online form CR 100 – New Employer Registration.
The state sales tax rate in Colorado is 2.9%. However, sales tax is also collected for counties, cities and special districts. The exact sales tax rate is determined by adding the various rates that apply at the location where a sales transaction is completed. The state collects the majority of all sales taxes. However, there are 71 “home rule” cities that require separate licensing and directly collect their city’s portion of the sales tax on all sales made within their jurisdiction. For more information, click here. The Department of Revenue publishes the Colorado Sales/Use Tax Rates, DRP 1002, which lists the tax rates for all jurisdictions in Colorado. The Colorado Sales Tax chapter of the Colorado Business Resource Book is also available.
Workers’ compensation insurance is purchased through private insurance companies in Colorado. There is not a state fund. The Colorado Legislature created Pinnacol Assurance (303-361-4000), a non-profit insurance carrier, to sell workers’ comp. It is not, however, a state agency. Many new businesses frequently obtain their workers’ comp through Pinnacol; however, it not required that new business use Pinnacol. Businesses are encouraged to shop for the best rates and service as they would for any other form of insurance. Consult directories and speak with other business owners for references. For information regarding employer responsibilities to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage, contact the Division of Workers’ Compensation (303-318-8700) or refer to the Employer Responsibilities chapter of the Colorado Business Resource Book.
For the majority of employers, the beginning base tax rate is 0.017 plus principle bond rate of 0.0038 for the combined rate of 0.0208 on the first $11,700 of each employee’s annual earnings. Those employers in construction-related businesses may be subject to a different tax base. For more information regarding unemployment insurance, contact the Unemployment Insurance Section (303-318-9100) or refer to the Employer Responsibilities chapter of the Colorado Business Resource Book.
Unfortunately, there are really no government grants – state or federal – available for starting a business. There are very specific targeted government grants but they rarely apply to start ups. These grants are called Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants. SBIR grants are usually issued by a federal agency that is seeking research and development in specific areas including military weapons development, biotechnology and other high-tech fields. SBIR Colorado (303-427-1312 ext 201) is a non-profit organization that assists entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers identify SBIR grant opportunities.
The vast majority of government loans programs – state and federal – are called guaranteed loans. To apply for these loans, a business owner contacts a bank or other financial institution which applies to the government for a guarantee on the loan. There are also other forms of private financing for business owners. The Financing Chapter of the Colorado Business Resource Book outlines many of these options. Before speaking to a bank or any seeking any other type of financing, a business owner should realize two important factors:
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Sign up to get relevant news and updates regarding small business delivered to your inbox.
559 East Pikes Peak Avenue, Suite 101
@ Catalyst Campus
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
The Colorado Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC) is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBDC Network is a partnership between the State of Colorado, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, the Small Business Administration (SBA), Colorado’s institutions of higher education, local economic development organizations and local chambers of commerce.