
Brandon Wilson

Brandon Wilson has worked for El Paso County since August of 2017 and holds the title of Legislative Policy Advisor. In this role, he develops and advises upon effective state and federal legislative strategies to improve delivery of services to El Paso County citizens and between El Paso County Departments and governmental jurisdictions. Brandon graduated with a Master of Arts degree, in Public Administration, from California Baptist University (Riverside, CA) and also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History, from George Fox University (Newberg, OR). Brandon is married to Maureen and is the proud parent of both a human (Kinsley) as well as a dog (Bella). When he’s not at work you might find him climbing a 14’er with his family, running a local trail, working out at the gym, at Coors Field watching the Rockies, or just kicking back and reading a good book. Brandon enjoys tasting new (and old) craft beers, drinking coffee, and eating dark chocolate.

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